The Functions of Speech Conclusions

The conclusion of a speech is arguably as important as the introduction and body. It provides closure to the speech and serves a number of crucial functions. It helps to summarize key points, reinforces the message, and leaves the audience with a final thought or call to action that makes the speech more memorable. Let’s look at these functions in greater detail:

Summary of Key Points

One of the primary functions of a speech conclusion is to summarize the key points that have been discussed. This can help to reinforce the most important points in the minds of your audience, ensuring that they leave with a clear idea of your speech’s primary message or argument. It also provides a neat way of tying together all the different elements of the speech into a coherent whole.

Reiteration of the Message

A good conclusion also serves to reiterate the central message of the speech. This is important because emphasizing the main message can make it more memorable for your audience. The conclusion is the last chance to impress upon your audience the importance and relevance of what you’ve said. It’s essentially your closing argument, making it a crucial part of your speech.

Final Thought or Call to Action

The conclusion often concludes with a final thought or call to action. The final thought is typically a powerful statement that reinforces your main argument and stimulates further thought or discussion. The call to action, on the other hand, is generally used to inspire or provoke your audience to do something in response to your speech. This is often seen in persuasive speeches or presentations where the speaker’s goal is to inspire change or action from their audience.

Apart from these essential functions, the conclusion also serves to keep the content of your speech focussed and ensures that your speech doesn’t end abruptly or awkwardly. A well-crafted and thoughtful conclusion can significantly impact your audience’s perception of your speech and its overall effectiveness.

If you’re interested in learning more about crafting effective speech conclusions, you might consider taking one of the best public speaking courses online. These courses can help you develop the skills to deliver powerful and effective speeches, including how to conclude your speeches in the most impactful way. They can guide you through the process of crafting your speech, from the introduction to the conclusion, and can provide you with advice and critiques to help refine your style and substance.

Ultimately, understanding the functions of a speech conclusion can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your public speaking. Whether you’re giving a presentation at work or delivering a keynote address, a strong conclusion can leave a lasting impression on your audience and ensure that your message is remembered and acted upon.