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Submitted by: Kelvin Chad
Traditional dental implant procedures are a thing of the past. Thats because it took a lot of time, i.e. 6 months or more to get the desired results. However, with the improvements in dental science and technology, it is now possible to get instant loading, thus making it a one-day treatment. This is more convenient, easy and cost-effective.
In this article, we are going to talk about some of the interesting facts concerning modern day implants.
3D Dental CT Scan
According to this technique, CBVT or Cone Beam Volumetric Technology is used and it helps in performing the scan with a patient in a sitting posture. This actually gives a clear view to you as to where the implant will be done. As far as the quality of the scanned image is concerned, it is of the best quality and the amount of a patients exposure to radiation is also lessened to a considerable extent. This is a very advanced treatment that helps dentists get a complete view of the procedure before the surgery is performed.
This method is far more advanced than the traditional procedure where a doctor was to remove a gum tissue from a patients jaw bone and root and ascertain the exact density and thickness of the jaw bone. However, with the 3D dental can process, there is no wait time and the complete surgery can be done in just an hour.
Implants Minus the Screws
Another most remarkable advancement is the single tooth insertion minus the screws. Dental professionals make use of a clipping mechanism in order to bond the crown material and the abutment.
Immediate Loading
This is the fusing of the dental restorations to your bone. The success of this procedure depends on the effectiveness of osseointegration, i.e. immediate loading. This is one method that saves a lot of a patients time and he or she is not forced to wait for several months to get the effective results.
Shape and Thread Design Improvements
When it comes to thread design, it has a significant impact on the stability of the implant. Contemporary thread design technology is beneficial in terms of offering enhanced stability, more primary contact, more surface area and stress-free integration with the bone. The advanced method also reduces the possibilities of bone loss.
The recent developments in dental science have made patients lives easy and convenient. First of all, modern procedures are painless, take less time and bring effective results. It not only improves bone health but also improves a persons smile and aesthetic facial appearance. This means that people with missing, damaged or chipped teeth need not worry anymore. The complete appearance will improve without compromising the health of the adjoining teeth. Modern treatments are also cost-effective and wont cost you an earth.
Up to date methods are flexible enough both for you and the dentist. As far as dental professionals are concerned, they can customize the dental implants treatment to suit an individuals bone structure. Moreover, patients suffering from dentophobia can now easily walk into a dentists office as modern treatments are painless and can be completed in an hours time.
About the Author: Kelvin Chad is familiar with some well-known dentists. In this article, he has about Interesting Facts about Modern Dental Implant Procedures. Most of this information was collected from experienced dental implant specialists in Mission Viejo.To know more about dental implant procedure, visit
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